Rocky Mountain House

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  3. Rocky Mountain House
Events at this venue

AB: Trail of the Gnu

Rocky Mountain House Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

The Trail of the Gnu is a challenging winter navigational rally, a round of the Rallywest TSD Championship, the B.C. TSD Rally Championship and also part of the CSCC TSD Rally Series. The Gnu will run under Rallywest rules, found on (see sec 4). The approximate length of the rally is 500km, of which no[Read More...]

AB: Trail of the Gnu

Rocky Mountain House Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

The Trail of the Gnu is a challenging winter navigational rally, a round of the Rallywest TSD Championship, the B.C. TSD Rally Championship and also part of the CSCC TSD Rally series. The rally will be run under Rallywest rules, which can be found on (see sec 4). The[Read More...]

We strive to keep our event listings current, yet both event organizers and our team may not get word of event changes posted timely. Please check with the organizers before making your travel plans. 

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